The University of Cebu

"Education is not for big business because schools should not be primarily profit. Big business might not have the heart... They are likely to cut the fat, like scholarships"— Atty. Augusto Go
Attny. Augusto Go is the founder of the University of Cebu (an educational institution in Cebu City, Philippines ) in 1964. With over, 61,000+ students in different campuses, We are one of them who witnessed how truly beautiful the university is. UC offers preschool, grade school, junior & senior high school, undergraduate degrees, and post-graduate degrees in 4 campuses. The four campuses are University of Cebu Main  campus (UC Main), University of Cebu- Lapu Lapu and Mandaue Campus (UCLM), University of Cebu- Banilad (UCB) and University of Cebu METC campus. In the four campuses I mentioned, We proudly came from UCLM with the strand of “TVL Tourism”. It is the first time we experience being in a University and it’s a good experience for a first timer. We can tell that the teacher’s in UCLM are passionate at doing their work. They are very well-trained and is very expert on their fields. The security guards in UCLM are so vigilant and are very careful of inspecting bags. They are so obedient of what they’ve told to do so. If we will talk about the surrounding, UCLM won’t disappoint you for its surrounding is freshly inspired by nature! Our classroom is on the maritime building and on the center of it is where the green field can be seen. Whenever we had to perform something in our PE class, We sometimes perform it on the field. Every lunch time or break time, Students usually go to the canteen. There are many canteens inside the campus but since there’s many students inside the university, others choses to take a lunch or a recess outside the campus. The security guards are so strict and only let the students out of the campus whenever they bring the meal pass together with them. But since the break time is only within 30 min., They have no choice but to take their meals/snacks inside the campus. I sometimes doubt about the security guards for being so strict but later on, I realized that they are only doing their responsibilities as a security guard. Some of the students are very naughty and disobedient about the rules that the university recommends and so, The Prefect of discipline are the one who will take an action for those naughty students. What makes me amused of this university is that, They offer different kinds of scholarships for students. I am glad for those students who can be in this university without paying the whole tuition because of the scholarships that the school offers. Thanks to Atty. Go for he still thinks of other students who cannot afford the tuition and for offering many scholarships. There are many things I can describe of what the campus looks like. and those I mentioned above are only the half of it.

Additional facts about the University of Cebu:
 UC is the country’s largest privately owned university in terms of population. The University is consistently producing topnotchers in Board exams for Engineering, Maritime Studies, Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture, Nursing, Accounting, Criminology and Customs Administration. While the university is one of the youngest Law Schools in the country, it has produced 2 of the top 10 places in the Bar Exams in successive years. In 2008, UC signed an agreement with the Norwegian Ship owner’s Association (NSA) to educate approximately 900 maritime scholars. These scholars enjoy free tuition, board and lodging, books and uniforms. The university is recognized as one of the top 10 universities nation-wide with the most number of accredited programs by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities – Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA) in 2004. Awarded with ISO and Det Norske Veritas (DNV) accreditation in 1998, UC played an important role in allowing Filipino seafarers to continue working onboard international vessels and ensure the continuous flow of billions of pesos in overseas remittances. University of Cebu also is the first school hotel to acquire the Micros opera technology in the entire province of Cebu.


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